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Wednesday 11 March 2015

Quiz La Francophonie

Every year on 20 March, the world celebrates the French language and the Day of La Francophonie. The French Institute in the UK has organised again this year the 2015 Quiz La Francophonie on 9th March 2015.

In Scotland, the online quiz contest was open to S2 and S3 pupils. This was a good opportunity for pupils to learn and have fun while developing key skills such as work in a team, make research using ICT, and enhance knowledge of French cultures. Each team had to find the right answers as quickly as possible using all available resources in the Modern Languages classroom.

Pupils had one hour to complete the quiz. The team which will have the highest number of correct answers and which will be the quickest to send back the questionnaire will be THE winner.

There will be three prizes for the three quickest and most effective teams of Scotland and Scottish pupils would be entered the competition for the best UK team to win a special prize.

Thirteen S2 pupils and ten S3 pupils represented CCHS and managed to submit their answers within the allocated time. Winners will be announced in 4-weeks’ time! Fingers crossed for our participants!